Installing Quantum Espresso from Source

Installing Quantum Espresso from Source

Image credit: [GPT-4 Generated]

Compiling Quantum Espresso from Source

You can directly install quantum espresso in your wsl or linux system by using the following command.

sudo apt-get install quantum-espresso

However, this way of installing can result in buffer overflow error sometime. One way to resolve this error is to build the quantum espresso package. That is what we are going to do in this tutorial.

Follow the following step to compile quantum espresso package from source when you have the admin priviledges.

Step 1: Installing required packages

sudo apt-get install build-essential                                                                                   
sudo apt-get install gcc gfortran                                                                                      
sudo apt-get install mpi                                                                                               
sudo apt-get install libomp-dev                                                                                        
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev                                                                        
sudo apt-get install libscalapack-openmpi-dev
sudo apt-get install libscalapack-mpich-dev
sudo apt-get install libscalapack-mpi-dev
sudo apt-get install git

Step 2: Install FFTW package

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libfftw3-doc

Step 3: Get quantum espresso from Github


Step 4: Decompress the *.tar.gz file.

tar -zxvf qe-7.2.tar.gz

Step 5: Go into the folder

cd q-e-qe-7.2/

Step 6: Configure

./configure --enable-openmp --with-scalapack=openmpi

Step 7: Do make all. It will take some time so wait. Make sure you do not get any error at the end.

make all

Step 8: Go to bin directory

cd bin

Step 9: Do ls and check whether following files are present.


You should see following. Check whether pw.x is present or not.

<somepath>/q-e-qe-7.2/bin$ ls
alpha2f.x             epsilon.x         kcwpp_sh.x            ph.x        pw2critic.x           sumpdos.x
average.x             ev.x              kpoints.x             phcg.x      pw2gw.x               turbo_davidson.x
band_interpolation.x  fermi_proj.x      lambda.x              plan_avg.x  pw2wannier90.x        turbo_eels.x
bands.x               fermi_velocity.x  ld1.x                 plotband.x  pw4gww.x              turbo_lanczos.x
bse_main.x            fqha.x            manycp.x              plotproj.x  pwcond.x              turbo_magnon.x
cell2ibrav.x          fs.x              manypw.x              plotrho.x   pwi2xsf.x             turbo_spectrum.x
cp.x                  gww.x             matdyn.x              pmw.x       q2qstar.x             wannier90.x
cppp.x                gww_fit.x         molecularnexafs.x     postahc.x   q2r.x                 wannier_ham.x
d3hess.x              head.x            molecularpdos.x       pp.x        rism1d.x              wannier_plot.x
dist.x                hp.x              neb.x                 ppacf.x     scan_ibrav.x          wfck2r.x
dos.x                 ibrav2cell.x      open_grid.x           pprism.x    simple.x              wfdd.x
dvscf_q2r.x           initial_state.x   oscdft_et.x           projwfc.x   simple_bse.x          xspectra.x
dynmat.x              kcw.x             oscdft_pp.x           pw.x        simple_ip.x
epa.x                 kcwpp_interp.x    path_interpolation.x  pw2bgw.x    spectra_correction.x

Step 10: Copy you bin path. It will look like the following.


Step 11: Now open ~/.bashrc and go to the last of the file. You can use shift+g to go to the last line.

vi ~/.bashrc

Paste the following line to the file. Replace <your_path_to_qe_bin> with your bin path.

export PATH="<your_path_to_qe_bin>:$PATH"

It adds the path to the library of paths so that you can access pw.x file inside the bin directory from anywhere in your system.

Step 12: Do source ~/.bashrc to make the changes to take effect.

source ~/.bashrc

Step 13: Now go to your calculation directory and try running pw.x.

pw.x < > si.scf.out


Shibu Meher
Shibu Meher
PhD Scholar in Materials Research

My research interests include Material Physics, Computational Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing.