Machine Learning Related Stuff

Good resources related to machine learning.

  1. PyCaret

    Low code machine learning. It give nice functions and classes to test most of the supervised, unsupervised and time series algorithm on your data. Also, it provides functionality to preprocess your data, do dimentsionality reduction, feature selection and a lot more stuff. You can check the documentation. There are nice blogs and tutorials to help beginner do machine learning.

  2. ML for Materials : A nice web book to learn how machine learning is applied in material research. It is written by Professor Aron Walsh. It also contains a nice collection of resources to further learn about machine learning.

  3. Collection of resurces by Rosen Group: There are even other resources useful for people working in computational materials science and quantum chemistry people.

  4. Machine Learning for Material Scientists : Best Practices : It also have github repository containing all the tutorial note books. Check here
